Misc Cinemas
London Pavilion 1909/1912
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The London Pavilion was built in 1885 as a variety hall by James Ebenezer Saunders and R J Worley
It ceased use as a variety theatre in 1934, and was converted to a cinema.
In 1986 it was gutted for shops and became an outstation of Madame Tussaud's Wax Works
If you compare the building today with that on the card there are changes at roof level,
but much of the remaining facade looks the same
The above photo very clearly shows an Edwardian street scene where the
roads seems to be entirely filled by horse drawn traffic
There are also some very nice examples of advertising
For example, the advert for 'On the Love Path' at the Haymarket Theatre,
and for Nestles Milk and Birds on the horse drawn trams
The postcard is postmarked Cookham April 13 1909, with a halfpenny stamp on the front,
and sent to Port de Suez
Unfortunately it is marred by a French 5c stamp on the picture with a receiving cancellation
for Port Egypt and also Suez Egypt
It was then sent to France
London Pavilion 1912
The Covered Wagon
1923 Silent Film Projected at 24FPS
103 Min Running Time
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